With the kids going back to school and public places being reopened, the spread of Covid-19 is, once again, on a higher level. Apart from following the precautionary measures defined by CDC – including the endorsement of double masking – it is also very important to stay alert of coronavirus, which you can do by getting tested at a nearby verified testing clinic.
All the health-concerned authorities, including CDC and WHO, are demanding more percentage of people to appoint themselves for Covid test because test results are the only way to enable possible identification and tracking of coronavirus patients and treating them with the required procedure.
Although it has been more than a year since the Covid-19 emerged on the face of the earth, people are still not clear about what kind of test they should take, which one is more accurate, and which one is best suitable for them.
In this article, we will try to provide all the answers regarding different kinds of Covid tests and their pros and cons.

PCR Test
PCR is known as the “gold standard” test for Covid-19. By far, it is the most common and most accurate test. Although it is a sensitive one and demands courage to get over with, it provides specific results.
PCR (polymerous chain reaction) test is done typically by testing the fluids of the nasal pharyngeal area, the point where the throat meets sinuses—location of the highest volume of the virus. A tester would slide a cotton swab up your nostril and swirl the swab in your nasal pharyngeal area for up to 10 seconds – not painful but uncomfortable.
Another way to do PCR is through saliva samples, but the former way is the most accurate. The result of PCR usually comes back in 48 hours.
Antigen Rapid Test
The antigen is by far the fastest way to determine Covid-19 in the patient. However, in this test, the swab doesn’t reach far up the nasal pharyngeal area and only stops in the nostril, which is where the virus is less likely to reside.
Antigen tests are most effective in earlier stages where the virus attacks the whole body and can be found anywhere—people who do not wish to take any risk can opt for this test when they feel the symptom.
The results become available in 15-minutes; that is why it is called a “rapid test.” Similar to a pregnancy test, two lines on the test card mean positive, and one line indicates negative.
After Illness: Antibody Test
Antibody (or serologic) tests are done to check if the person has had any prior infection of the virus and has the antibodies to fight it back if it occurs again. Antibody tests cannot determine the present virus. It is done through blood samples, and results come back the same day because this test doesn’t require any special equipment.
If you haven’t had tested for coronavirus, get your appointment scheduled right now for a rapid 15-minute Covid test.