Some COVID-19 Vaccines Approved By WHO

On 1st June 2021, World Health Organization issued a detailed list of the COVID-19 vaccines. And, in that list, a Chinese vaccine named “Sinovac” was also added, which is recommended for people aged above 18. Thus, the Chinese company got the second authorization from the WHO. Hence, World Health Organization claimed that the data submitted […]
Will Vaccine Affects The Result Of The COVID-19 Test?

The primary purpose of vaccination is to prompt an immune response within the human body by having inactive or weakened parts of a certain organism (antigen). This way, our body becomes able to build the particular antibody that helps us to fight the real antigen (virus or disease). On the other hand, we know that […]
Where to Get Free COVID-19 Vaccine and Test in Chicago, Illinois?

As Chicago has recently slid into the Phase 1C of vaccination, the appointments are now open at the Chicago State University for people of eligibility. The eligibility criteria for Phase 1C are described on the CDC’s government website; it mainly contains people with pre-existing diagnosed medical conditions and those who work in a selected wide […]
How to Make an Appointment for COVID-19 Vaccination and Test?

In Chicago, city officials are trying their best to clear the paths of residents so they can make easy appointments at the vaccination site and come on their time and day without any panic. To allow the people of Chicago to get vaccinated without any hurdles is one of the reasons why Chicago and the […]
How to Make an Appointment for COVID-19 Vaccine and Test in Chicago, Illinois

As of the latest updates, the situation of Chicago, Illinois is critical. With the new Brazilian variant of the Coronavirus strain found in Illinois, the tension among health experts is increasing. Although Chicago runs on a separate timeline than rest of the Illinois, there is no doubt that the risk of transmission is ultimately high. […]
Impact Of COVID-19 On Health And Wellness Industry

The global Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world to its knees by affecting various aspects of our lives. Business owners can attest to the apparent fact that a large percentage of their businesses are grinding to a complete halt.
Children and Coronavirus: When Will They Get the Vaccine?

Although the Americans have their fingers crossed for the conclusion of the pandemic, considering how the 2021 summer would be marked with a milestone of the most adults getting vaccinated. However, the overlooked lives of children have not been estimated yet for the vaccination. This absence of consideration is a big problem – for children, […]
Coronavirus Vaccination Update: Those That Are Approved

More than a year ago, coronavirus emerged on the face of the earth. Although the world has battled – got injured and wasted – to defeat the coronavirus, many people around the countries are still vulnerable. And that calls for the requirement of a vaccine. However, we cannot just trust any vaccine. A vaccine provides […]
The Incubation Period of Coronavirus: Everything You Need to Know

An incubation period refers to the time duration between when the virus first attacks the human and when the symptoms first start to show. It is true that whenever a pathogenic organism attacks a person, the symptoms don’t emerge immediately. It usually takes a few days, or a couple of weeks, for the virus to […]
How to Get Tested for Coronavirus – Which Is the Best Way?

With the kids going back to school and public places being reopened, the spread of Covid-19 is, once again, on a higher level. Apart from following the precautionary measures defined by CDC – including the endorsement of double masking – it is also very important to stay alert of coronavirus, which you can do by […]